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Wednesday 21 January 2015

task 3 a low and high key

task 3 high and low key

High key lightening is a style of lightening used not only in photography but also in films and television. high key lightening aims to reduce the lightening ration in the scene. this was done originally for technological reasons because early films did deal well with high contrast ratio. now a days it is used on using mid-tone grey's to bright whites. the use of bright lights eliminate shadow reduced the contrast in the picture.

Low-key lighting is a style of lighting for photography, film or television. It is a necessary element in creating a chiaroscuro effect. Traditional photographic lighting, three-point lighting uses akey light, a fill light, and a back light for illumination. This effect created a great mood or sets the tone of the scene. this is usually used to get a great effect with the darks. this kind of photography is used in horrors movies or in horror photography.Low-key lighting is also used in photography to create the same types of effects.

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