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Wednesday 21 January 2015

task 3 b lights

Different types of lights in the studio

The most common lights in a studio are umbrellas and softbox.
There are three times of tinted umbrellas , silver-lined, white and gold. reflecting umbrellas produce a soft light due to the large size the reflecting surface. they are made in this way that the storbe light  is actually facing away from the subject or model. The light travells from the storbe head hitting the inside of the umbrella and then again bouncing to the subject.

Softboxes on the other hand are usually square or rectangular. They are lightweight boxes that come with a reflective inside and a translucent front. Softboxes come in different shapes and sizes and are attached to the front the strobe over the light source. Light emitted from the strobe head gets reflected inside the walls of the softbox and diffused through the box's translucent front creating a soft, but more focused light source illuminating the model or scene

In this project i have used these two lamps to shoot my final pictures and my my practise. my favourite lamp is the softbox because it gives a beautiful light to the skin and a beutiful soft looking skin on pictures. I havent tried any pictures yet using an umbrella. but i would like to try and see the different effects that it gives. 

In photography reflector is an improvised or specialised surface to reflect light from it to the subject that we want to direct the light to.

snoot is a tube that is fitted over a studio light. it is used by photographers to control the direction of the light and the radius of the light beam these shoots may be in different shapes, it can be conical, cylindrical or rectangular. in my project for my studio shoot i have used a snoot. i used it for to create a spot light coming from the tom , shining down on my model. the effect given by snoot is very shark and light, shoots are used for more dramatic effect of the pictures, to give a strong light to the picture.

barn doors tend to be used to shape the light. they don't really effect the hardness or softness of the light given. the hardness or softness of the light is created by the type of light source.  two side of flaps close together might produce a slim light shape like light passing through a partially open door.

Next we have an Elinchrom head in a standard reflector, this produces directional but useful light of good quality.

monolight2.jpg (37866 bytes)

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