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Wednesday 24 September 2014

Task 1B

Location photography  In photography most of the times if the photography is made in a locaional area, the location matters more then the model. this is because the location can bring out losts of different things in the picture, for exaple it can bring out the natural beauty in the model, it can give a new level of creativity and also it can give a beautifull contast or can harmonise the picture.  there is a lot of different places where location photography can be done actually it can be any place that is within a location.  One of places that is used for location photography is the outside. the natural light that you can use outside is the best light for natural shots in my opinion. if there is a lot of sunlight it might help the model to get inspired and for the photographer to take some more exiting shots. when you are outside try to use the nature of outside as best as you can for your advantage. you can try a lot of different things and try to create different shots for example have ur model sit on a branch or on the middle of field. Try to contras the picture or harmonize to add beauty and elegance to the photo.          another place that you can find at  a location is a warehouse. when taking pictures in a warehouse you can use the inside of it to creates lots of cool effects. you can use the old warehouse in order to add an edgy feeling. the shadow in the warehouse can give the picture an interesting effect.  the subject in the picture can hav either contrasting colours that are vibrate and stand out or use some dark clothes that wil harmonise the picture.  an urban ocation could also be a very creative  idea. use underground subways, or any other urban location. in this shots you can play a little bit with the contrast between the location and the model. for example the colours or the style of clothes.  You can go around and maybe even find some landmarks or statues to get a different background. there are many kind of backgrounds that give different feelings to the picture. a shopping mall will give the picture a busy kind of environment, a picnic table will give a picture more of an comfortable feel. With different seasons you can create different feeling for the picture. there will be different lightening so it is important to experiment on different lighting during different seasons.  the beauty of fall and winter can bring out all of the vibrant fashion in photos.

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