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Monday 22 June 2015


My idea for this project was about fashion and portreture. I have created a number of fashion pictures in this project. For my final ideas i have shoot a series of pictures in a stone house. My pictures are not done in studio so i had to play about with light to get the outcome i wanted. I have choose this images because from the serious of pictures i shot these had the best contast the best colours and where most artistic. Through the whole project i have been mostly consumed by fashion and the pictures i shot show some glamour,but in the same time show how wiled photography can be and how u can experiment with different types outfites in different locations and get a great outcome. 

i choose this picture as one of my filan pictures because this is ne of my favourit pictures, It represents a women in a red dress looking down searching for something. my havourit part to this pictures is the contrast of the red dress with everything else.

colour contact sheet and 4 images


contact sheets black and 4 images

Work to pass

Floris neususs is a pioneer of photographic art, he is know mostly for his cameraless photography and photograms. neususs is very drown to this particual photography because as he describes  ''perspective and horizon are absent from photography, so the space is theoretically unending''.  floris thinks of his photographs more like pantings, because these have to be composed in step by step progress, he also modifies his prints with brushes or rags diped in chemicals.
the pictures that he gives us our powerful and simple effects of light and science that sometimes appear enigmatic, surreal or abstract.  camera less tehniques were rediscuvered firstly as known in the 20th century. Man ray and noholy- nagy were the first pioneers to explore it. This progress means that each work is completely unique and its
 created to scale  offten showing or offering an direct and unmediated relationship  with the lanscape, object, figure, or light capturing in moment.
This is a photography created by floris neususs  it is 'the lattice window in lacock abbey in 2010. Neusüss covered the interior of the window with photographic paper at night. He exposed the paper by shining a light from outside. The resulting photogram recreates the subject of Talbot's negative, but in life size. The work is based on the idea of continuing the trajectory of Fox Talbot's camera-less photogram techniques  and extending them to the images which because of limitations in technology or personal inclination - Talbot was unable to capture himself. a lot of his work is based on this window and has started off with this.

I have tried to emulate his work and try to make the same results using a camera and a tripod. these are the results i got.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

editorial piece



In this project i have produced a series of pictures based on the movie burlesque. I have produced a series of location photography and a series of studio photographs. I have also produced an editors page telling about my burlesque scenes and clothes and style.

I enjoyed this project very much. it was based of studio photography and thats the thing that I'm aiming for. i have seen how the studio works and how to become a studio photographer. I enjoyed my photoshoot in the studio. and in location and experimentation with different lights and the different effects that i got.

in this project i have learned different types of lights. I have also learned how they work and which lamp is best for what effect I'm trying g to create. In my photoshoot that i did I mostly used the soft box and the snoot.  We have learned different names of different llights and how the health and safety works in the studio and what we should and should not do.

in my project i could have worked better with my time management.

final location shoot