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Monday 22 June 2015


My idea for this project was about fashion and portreture. I have created a number of fashion pictures in this project. For my final ideas i have shoot a series of pictures in a stone house. My pictures are not done in studio so i had to play about with light to get the outcome i wanted. I have choose this images because from the serious of pictures i shot these had the best contast the best colours and where most artistic. Through the whole project i have been mostly consumed by fashion and the pictures i shot show some glamour,but in the same time show how wiled photography can be and how u can experiment with different types outfites in different locations and get a great outcome. 

i choose this picture as one of my filan pictures because this is ne of my favourit pictures, It represents a women in a red dress looking down searching for something. my havourit part to this pictures is the contrast of the red dress with everything else.

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