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Thursday 9 October 2014

Final photoshoot

Plan for my final shoot
1. My photoshoot will take place at afternoon time. As I cant do it at day time. It will be done on the weekend when me and my model both have time to take the final photoshoot.
2. In my photoshoot the model will be wearing a light dress to harmonise with the location. Is going to be a white dress or it will be a cream dress she will be wearing shoos that will match with the dress. The make-up will be hard and dark. I am thinking of using red lipstick and black and silver shadows. The mae up on her eyes will contrast with her natural eye colour which is light blue. I want the model to look glamorous again to contrast with the location that I have chosen. Her hair is black and naturally curly so I want to make them really look alive and big to give it a nice effect.3.for my 3.location i have chosen a place called Bolton Abby, I will be taking pictures there in the old ruins and the grave yard that is placed there. I will try to take thepictures next to he grave yardsfor a nice effect. and next or on the ruins. there will be a nicecontrast between the glamours look of the model and the rough locations which will be grave yards and ruins. i will match the colour of the dress to harmonise well with the scenery.
4. The lightening that I will probably use will be the evening lightening. But I will also use flash light if the place will be to dark inside, because the light from the day might not be inside the building and it might be too dark.
5. The time frame will be that I will do the make-up and dressing up and trying on different jewellery in 1 hour. I will have to get all the equipment to the place which will take me about 15 mins as the places is very close to my house. The photo shoot should take me 1 hour or 1.5 hour.
6. I will have to tell my model to sign a release model form so that it is stayed clearly that I can use her pictures for my project so that later on there is no problems. In every shoot that a model will be present, the model has to sign a model release form.
7. For this location I will have to very carefully fill in risk assessment sheet because ruins, so there will be many risks that we will have to look out for in the shoot. So will have to look at all risks and figure out how to avoid them.
8. The equipment that I need will be probably a flash light that I will need to use to brighten up the models face I will probably need a stand and extra batteries. I might also need a flash light to help me get the models face visible. I will use my standard lens, which is 18mm – 105mm f4.5.
9. I have to prepared for the things that may not work out in my photo-shoot so I will prepare two or three dresses or more to be prepared for any difficulties. The weather will not really affect my pictures because they will be done in a indoore location.
10. The photoshoot that I will do is planned for a more mature audience but with a spicy age because of the location. So the audience that im looking at is more 19- 28 year olds. That like glamorus clothes and pictures but also like the rough kind of place that it will be done in.

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